In this climate, art educators need to justify our programs more than ever before. Its magical when students make their own choices about their artwork. But it may not withstand a tech-hungry economy. Although funding has been renewed to the National Endowment for the Arts, the Heritage Foundation has criticized the NEA for lowering the quality of art in America, for supporting politically incorrect art, for wasting the funding allotted to them, and for failing to work towards their mission of enhancing cultural life in America. Teach the children what creativity means when applying it to bettering mankindparaphrased By all means, be creative!. Knowledge of the elements of art and principles of design (that are often the focus of portraits and landscapes, but unknown to many viewers) are the foundation for effective communication in creating the visual/creative documents (or rhetorical artifacts) you mention above. Music education in schools is very important and is proven to have many benefits. I just read your comment in Shut Your Monkey about Van Gogh. Due to the benefits such as increased cognitive ability, team building, enhanced educational enrichment and multiple perspective thinking and learning outweighing the consequences the advocates for. We must remember what is actually necessary in education, which is to prepare them for success and prosperity in the next step of their lives. For example, Oklahoma, a state over $36 billion in debt, has no choice but to cut funding towards the arts. But what about the history and techniques only taught through art courses? Playing, making, sharing, and thinking are the birthright of our species and natural learning strategies that all children bring with them to school. Roger Moore addresses The arguments against arming school staff I have taught and continue to teach both civilians and law enforcement (both in-service and academy) in the area of firearms. Yes it is 100% about creative thinking and making, but not in the service of a single measurable market-goal. ..and Im only in my 3rd year! The Issue: Arts Education. There are many people on both sides, and I agree with most of both. Twice a year Im a guest speaker at our Junior Colleges Adobe Illustrator class. Copy and paste. The last one that made the rounds was Replace art education with design education.. 4 Pro: Better Grades in School Music programs result in better grades in school. The argument against such programs is that evidence from evaluation research suggests that they are ineffective, inefficient, not universally acceptable, and of questionable safety. When we create works of art, we solve complex visual problems in creative ways. The way math, science, etc. Part of the problem is that students are not being taught the SKILL behind the production of Art. ART / MUSIC are key in the development-cognitive, intellectual, social-of children. Winner states that. I think we need art education, creative education, and visual education and that this occurs across disciplines rhetoric and communication, web design, science (the experience of the creative process helps to prepare one for the exploratory and experimental process of science), business and entrepreneurship, etc. The tech pendulum is swinging so far right that it is trying to sweep out anything that doesnt fit into the bill gates corporate education reform movement. I think Ive said enough. Instead ofexplaining artsvalue to other disciplines, we should be focusing on the unique qualities of art class. The thing is, these arguments miss the point. I think it would be great for what you are saying to happen and I think it would have to start in Kinder. He already has the perfect foundation for teaching other people about art. At-risk students who take art are significantly more likely to stay in school and ultimately to get college degrees. [] interesting idea on art in the classroom, and hes won me []. Couldnt agree more! However, if you have a school without an art teacher (or a couple of them), and without a classroom (or a space) devoted to fine arts, visual arts, ceramics, etc, then where are all of the students (from all walks of life and backgrounds, not just the stereotypical student in all black clothing), going to communicate & collaborate with one another to foster ideas? When you want minds that are not as creative you take away the arts. Theatre would be all about collaboration, presentation and problem solving. Im no expert on education but I have spent a lot of time in school art programs over the past year. Your entire article is STEM based. I like your train of thought in the beginning, until you mention that young children dont really need art instruction. We need the stimulative nature of creativity to empower future engineers, architects, entrepreneurs, and scientists. There are few topics as fiercely debated in the world of education today as school choice and voucher programs. And I am going to introduce animation heres drawing g, imagination (invent character, robot, etc to animate) and interfaced with computer. Changing the name for what we do would be possibly a good idea, like a new start. Schools have consistently reported to us that this is one of the biggest hurdles they face in supporting musical provision. This is reality for many families. They practice influencing the culture of their classroom community with their ideas and feelings and questions and contributions. US Movie Scores and More, Here's How to Get More Clients as a Hairstylist, How To Start The Process Of Building A House. This is exactly what I keep talking about, in terms of inter-disciplinary connections and collaborations. If a child never learns addition, they will never be able to survive in society today. Wisconsin built a public higher-education system that was admired around the world. Answering the question were all tired of hearing: What do you want to be when you grow up? Once again, this is not to say that art classes should be eliminated, rather change the way we look at them and their significance. When the children of parents who can pay $38,000 a year for preschool are told by school founder Chris Wink, This much is certain: it will be impossible to convince [our] children that their aspirations are unattainable. Art in school also really helped my mental health. What do you know about an abundant art education curriculum? The drop in art education affects some school districts more than others. Best post I have read on this topic! One of the biggest argument for art education is that it results in better test scores and higher grades. I am tired of hearing how art helps match scores and art helps SAt scores. It is a well known fact that in America, public schools never have enough money to run and colleges and universities are expensive. In theirCulture of Creativity report, the LEGO Foundation synthesizes the work of 18 essayists from around the world, commissioned to write about creativity informed by the perspective of their own culture. This also is taking a lot of research + development time I dont get paid for. Nationally, the opposition to art education pushes for the addition of engineering and computer science classes in schools, in the place of art classes. Honestly and sadly, I didnt know how to think and yet when I gave her what she asked for those were the best grades I earned. Dudley Cocke of Roadside Theater writes, Most problematically, without federal support national conversations about culture policy began to evaporate, and in the void nonprofits hunkered down to fight for their own. In our public schools and in our non-profit organizations, fewer people are playing, sharing, making and thinking. When a student creates an artwork, theymake careful choices to communicate their ideas. It should be developed as much as possible. Art is not respected in this country. Arts programs were the first victims. Therefore, teachers on a year-round system end up with four periods of review instead of just one at a new school year. require an annual source of funding for K-12 public schools for arts and music education equal to, at minimum, 1% of the total state and local . In some cases, proponents for the removal of art from schools have been influential in implementing technology-based programs in the place of art programs in schools. So I propose weget rid of art education and replace it with something that is crucial to the future of our world: creativity. I know that you may argue that art education is important, but please read that last paragraph again. Skills were taken OUT of art education in the 1970s after Abstract Expressionism had well and truly seduced a generation of art teachers into believing that creating was more important than learning. Whether it is observing caveman paintings, hieroglyphs, or one of Jeff Koons sculptures, it is easy to find visual arts that challenge your creative mind and inspire you to find beauty in things made by man. The fine arts department of the Katy Independent School District in the article, The Importance of Fine Arts Education, argues that the, study and participation in the fine arts is a key component in improving learning throughout all academic areas. Fine arts improve writing because they teach a student how to think creatively and expressively, while enhancing their critical thinking skills. This is the dumbest argument against art education that I have ever heard. But it's true that school choice can't guarantee that every child will . Such a wonderful spin on the reduction of art in our school system. The children were engaged in active learning and they loved it as did I. Learning/teaching was FUN. The study of art history also helps highlight the issues of the past and the present. How will we find our way? Thank you, Rama. Art is a right of life. We need tocommunicate this value to our stakeholders. Art can be part of any curriculum! Art should be there to continue to teach kids ART. Graphic design, photography, illustr How to pick the perfect gift next Valentines Day season, Conversational aggression and how it affects other people, Why Ticketmasters monopoly on the ticketing industry hinders the joy of live entertainment. When you are in the various stages of a basic educationElementary, Middle and High Schoolhow many of us knew what our career paths would be? Lets hope the schools listen! If we dont take the time to build the student, we will not have a student who can solve the problems. After re-reading this article, Ive discovered the logic behind Danny Gregorys argument. Awesome. Read books. Ive also taught high school and middle school kids for a few years, and my experience there was the same. Some of the high school debaters appreciated the opportunity to learn about mental health in the context of debate. When we mix colorswe reveal information about physics. We simply need Art and Art Education for both reasons. I take no issue with the fact that the classes are offered, and even take a number myself, and I am not even advocating for their removal. Not complicated but if you cant do algebra you cant figure it out. Lets take the art out of art education.. Im not sure if you spending some time over a year into our classrooms constitutes a valid opinion.. You said it yourself. Art educators have to deal with a lot of issues, so weve created topics that will help you find what youre looking for. The Centers for. My black and Hispanic friends had more privilege then I did. When you think of all of the problems in Society, how much better would things be, if only: Ethics; Logic and Creative Thinking were emphasized a bit more? stimulates that side of brain. Creativity is not a ghetto, not a clique, not something to be exercised alone in a garret. 518 Main Street,Suite A It is important for people to have a source of recreation in their lives; which, of course, doesnt necessarily need to be an art of any kind, but if someone has been trained in a certain art, that could, at the very least, serve as an impressive addition to a resume. Creative Education is a good idea, but I think it must include those foundational projects that many people see visually as kids just making pretty pictures. Theres is so much more learning that occurs in the process of creating these art projects and afterward when many teachers have students reflect on the process and self-assess on the outcome not just on the final product but on what was LEARNED in the process. Wow! Every now and then, I read an idea like this one. Which art education would provide ample amount of practice for. Its mandatory that my art students learn fractions and geometry in some of my classes. Besides, costumes are so much fun to draw!!! After the recession of 2008, 80% of schools had their budget cut further. What is worse is that the media, schools and politicians are telling children that they will have no future if the study arts in higher education. I had no idea how to do most of things I'd need and It seemed impossibly laborious. There are many responses to this line of argumentincluding that the default option may be a lousy one for many kids.